The superclass javax.servlet.http.httpservlet was

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➡ Click here: The superclass javax.servlet.http.httpservlet was not found on the java build path

The servlet-api JAR file is a library which contains the interfaces and classes of the Servlet API specification. This solved the issue in this thread and several others issues I was having.

the superclass javax.servlet.http.httpservlet was not found on the java build path
The servlet-api JAR file contains only the interface the API of the Servlet Limbo, so you can use it to develop your web application. Boa noite pessoal a solução ai de adicionar a dependência no Maven resolve também. This will also fix the error. Servlet containers like Tomcat, JBoss, GlassFish, etc. Assim como acontece com o banco de dados, o Autobus não reconhece o serviço do Apache Tomcat apenas por ele estar presente no sistema, é necessário um plugin para o Eclipse. Step-6 Your Maven Project should look like this. OR add Apache Tomcat to your Targeted Runtimes. More details on solution can be found here: For an Ant pan: Make sure, you have servlet-api. The servlet-api JAR file is a library which contains the interfaces and classes of the Servlet API specification. Where can you get it?.

And you are all set. For a Maven project: Make sure, you have the dependency added in POM.

the superclass javax.servlet.http.httpservlet was not found on the java build path

95187转1 - Where can you get it?

the superclass javax.servlet.http.httpservlet was not found on the java build path

For an Ant project: Make sure, you have servlet-api. For a Maven project: Make sure, you have the dependency added in POM. Do this step What is it? The servlet-api JAR file is a library which contains the interfaces and classes of the Servlet API specification. The servlet-api JAR file contains only the interface the API of the Servlet Specification, so you can use it to develop your web application. Where can you get it? Servlet containers like Tomcat, JBoss, GlassFish, etc. The name is not always the same though, and it might not even exist as a separate JAR file, the Servlet API classes might be bundled in another JAR file. Look at here: Portability You can compile your web application if you have the Servlet API, no matter where it comes from. And you will be able to run your compiled web application in any Servlet containers. While not using Maven, I have the same problem from time to time when re-creating my development environment from svn, and I always forget why and have to figure it out. Unfortunately, it seems this is a problem with Eclipse. I am able to remove all such errors from once working projects by picking just one of the dynamic web projects, or just tomcat dependent projects, and move a dependency in the build order. This seems to force all projects to rebuild properly and all of the errors are then resolved. I used the JRE System Library and moved it to the top. Click OK, and all that red goes away!